for existing full and temporary members
​Membership is £20 per annum and our membership year runs from March to February. For anyone joining from November onwards, the subscription is £10.
You may join us straight away as a full member, or become a temporary member for 3 months free of charge. In this latter case you will get access to the list of walks in the members' area of the website for 3 months and you may come out with us for up to two walks to see if the group suits you.
We hope that you have already gleaned enough information to decide if Single Boots is the right walking group for you. If so, please complete the form titled 'Joining' which will send your details to our membership secretary and you will be registered as a temporary member. Please complete your name, address, email and a phone number. This is a condition of the club's public liability insurance policy.
If you are still undecided and would like to ask a question or two before proceeding, please complete the form titled 'Enquiries'. This will be sent to our adviser Julia.
Alternatively, you can phone Vivien or Julia with any questions you have prior to deciding whether to join.
If you'd like to speak to someone about our walking group before you sign up, please phone:
Vivien on 0121 445 2228 or Julia on 01789 772347
Single Boots Privacy Policy
As a prospective, temporary or full member of Single Boots you have given us your contact details, including name, address, email address and phone number. This enables us to answer your enquiries, give you access to the members' area on the website, information relating to the running of the group and social events. Your data is stored on a shared file which is accessed only by those who have a need to know. We will not give your data to another organisation and only to a third party with your consent. We try to keep your data as up to date as possible, so please let us know any changes.
You may withdraw your data at any time meaning you will not receive any further information from us and will lose access to the website. When you leave the group or fail to renew your membership, we will delete your data.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What special equipment do I need?
A. Just some good walking boots, socks, small rucksack, and water proofs in case of bad weather. A basic first aid kit is recommended. Jeans should be avoided.
Q. Who is eligible to join Single Boots?
A. We are a walking group primarily for single people
Q. How many people go on the walks?
A. Normally between 12 and 20 people, but these people will vary from week to week.
Q. What sort of level of fitness will I need?
A. We have walks for a range of fitness levels, our walks are graded easy, moderate and strenuous. The minimum you need is to be able to climb over stiles and walk the distance. Read more...
Q. How many members are there?
A. Between 60 and 80 members.
Q. Can I bring my dog along?
A. Like most walking groups, we do not allow dogs on our walks.
Q. Do you stop at pubs for refreshments/lunch?'
A. No. You are advised to bring a packed lunch and drink. We stop for a short break in the morning and then at around 1pm for lunch, which normally takes around half an hour. Both of these 'stops' are selected by the 'walk leader'. We do sometimes visit a cafe or pub after a walk for refreshments if there is one conveniently located.
Q. I don't drive, can I still go on walks.
A. Our walks usually start at times and locations where public transport isn't available. We also take it in turns to drive from car sharing meet points. SO if you don't drive, it's unlikely that you'll be able to get to the walks.
Q. Can I send you details of my event/walking holiday/rental cottage to circulate to your members?
A. You can, but unless it's considered really especially interesting or useful to our members, it won't be passed on.